The whooping crane is an ancient class of birds, which soared across the heartland of America, since time immemorial, in migration flight to the Gulf coast. Their migration pattern echoes the migration of the native Woodland people from the Mississippi River to the Gulf coast. These magnificent birds’ size, color and vocalization must have made quite an impression on the indigenous people of America. The whooping crane is a bird of the water, earth and sky. The whooping crane stands five feet tall with a seven-foot wingspan, which in soaring flight appears white against the sky. In tribute to the natural and cultural history of Wisconsin, the Crane Effigy Mounds earthwork represents the whooping crane’s habitat of water- intaglio, earth- prairie grass mounds and sky- animated flight pattern. The mound forms reference and pay respect to the early effigy mounds built between A.D. 700 and 1200 by the Woodland native culture. The mounds are constructed of tamped native soil over a colored mineral earth marking. The soils are stabilized with native andropogon- little blue stem prairie grasses. A coiled ramp observation mound at an existing hill allows visitors visual access to the earthwork from Birch Street in Necedah Village. The Crane Effigy Mounds will also be visible from the air and create a threshold and landmark to the Necedah National Wildlife Refuge of wetlands and woodlands, where whooping cranes and other wildlife breed within the “land of yellow waters”.